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Wednesday, May 1, 2013



God said: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. – Genesis 1:26
My life changed when I read the story of St. Francis of Assisi and I tried to imitate it. I was 13 years old, kneeling in prayer after communion. Then I heard a voice in my heart that said, “You’ll receive a visitation from God.” I thought, “I just received communion. God has visited me.”

But when I left the church, the visitation came: I saw a very poor family
sleeping on the steps of the church, covered only by rags and newspapers. Something pulled me towards them. I sat with them and introduced myself. That was when a terrible stench attacked my nostrils. I realized these people had not taken a bath for months.

The kids climbed on my back, jumped over my shoulders, and fell on my lap — and they climbed on my back again. When I went home, my white shirt was no longer white. I carried their stench on my body. But I had so much joy in my heart.

Every day, after Mass, I’d visit this family. It was like I had two Masses. One was inside the church, receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. The second was outside the church, receiving Jesus in the poorest of the poor. I never knew what happened to that family because one day, they were gone. But this I know: I changed because I gave the kindness of God! 
Reflection: Have you met Jesus lately? Reflect on your encounter.
May I always be ready to recognize You, Jesus, in the persons I meet.
St. Joseph the worker, pray for us. Feast of St. Joseph the Worker