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Friday, August 5, 2011


There is nothing ambiguous about what Jesus is saying in today’s Gospel. (Matthew 16:24-28). “If you want to be a follower of mine then renounce yourself, take up your cross and follow me.” Jesus tells us that there is a threefold action that we have to do to become His disciples.
First, we have to want it. There is no way that we are going to persevere in the walk of being a disciple if we do not want it from our depths. Is it our heart’s deepest desire to grow closer to Jesus and become more like Him? Or are we more interested in what the world offers us? What do you really want to happen in your spiritual life?
Second, we have to be ready to deny ourselves. Any person who has followed a particular career path, especially in something like sports, knows what this means. Are you willing to take up the discipline of being a disciple of Jesus? It is the same sort of question a coach will ask any aspiring sports person. Are we ready to be faithful in the sometimes — no — more often than not boring, mundane, difficult and seemingly endless aspects of learning to be a disciple and then maintaining our spiritual fitness through prayer, Scripture reading, etc?
Third, we have to be ready to follow Jesus — wherever He leads us. It is the Master who dictates where the disciple goes, not the disciple. This can be quite a test for a disciple because it will show how detached he is from his own desires. We discover here his level of willingness to choose a path of suffering for the sake of others. It is also here where we discover what it means to lay down our lives in the service of the Gospel, rather than just seek the pleasures the world offers us. 
Reflection Question:
What is the deepest desire of my heart? Am I willing to go all the way with the Lord?
Jesus, You gave everything in obedience to the Father’s will. You held nothing back. Help me to choose the path You offer over all the other options in my life.
St. Addal, pray for us.