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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A MOTHER’S REQUEST - Fr. Erick Y. Santos, OFS

Jesus, no doubt, loves His mother very much. Remember how the first miracle happened through the prodding of His mother when they ran out of wine at the wedding feast in Cana? It was not yet Jesus’ time, but His love for His mother prevailed. After all, most of us children usually give in to the requests of our mothers — even if sometimes they are against our will. Mothers are mothers.
       At the foot of the cross, in the midst of Jesus’ agony before He breathed His last, His still sharp heart and mind never failed to remember the mother He was leaving behind. He entrusted Mary to John: “Son, behold thy mother.” No amount of pain will make Jesus forget His mother, so He put her under the care of John. Somebody’s got to be with her. From the cross, He also saw and felt the agony of His mother, who must have been crying a river at the foot of the cross.
       In today’s Gospel (Luke 7:11-17), Jesus could have seen a familiar situation: a grieving mother who was a widow and whose only son died. He must have sensed that it would happen to Him someday, how His own mother, Mary, would grieve heavily at His death. He might have seen in this woman a “Mater Dolorosa,” wailing before the lifeless body of her son.
       The scene was too much for Him to bear. The heart of Jesus, so meek and mild, breaks every time He sees a mother in mourning. He could not bear to see His own mother suffering the same fate (although He knew already that it would happen in His Calvary).
       Thus, the miracle. He brought the dead son back to life — not so much to show a miracle but on account of a mother who was moving heaven and earth to bring her son back to life. “He was moved with pity and said to her, ‘Do not weep.’”
         A mother’s gentle request never fails to break the heart of Jesus.
       Because He loves His mother. Because He loves all mothers! 
REFLECTION QUESTION: How do you show your concern for those who weep and seek for help?