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Sunday, August 28, 2011


The goal of our spiritual life is the transformation of our lives such that Jesus becomes the center of who we are and what we do. Human beings are somewhat reluctant to embrace change as it means moving into unknown and often uncharted waters. This is never an easy task as it means facing up to our fears and anxieties so that the Holy Spirit can deal with them and show us the way to a deeper life of faith.
St. Paul knows the challenge of having to humble himself and submit his life to a new reality, one that he had spent a considerable amount of time and effort trying to destroy. Humility is a necessary part of the process. There will be times when the task seems easy. What is important here is to examine why it has become easy so that in identifying what helps us surrender, we can embrace this method or path more often.
Each person has to learn to navigate his or her way through the spiritual journey of faith. Yes, we can learn a lot from the lives of others but they will never provide us with all the answers. We are individuals and part of the joy and mystery and excitement of life is knowing that one’s journey is indeed one’s own and it is up to us to walk it. This can be a daunting reality that we could shrink back and refuse to enter it. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage us all to embrace the call and the challenge to discover what sort of life God calls us to share with Him.
We will never know the fullness of life; we will never fill that hole in the depth of our beings unless we embark on the journey of a lifetime that we call faith in God. And as a journey it can be treacherous and perilous; it can be exciting and enjoyable; it can be boring and challenging. Whatever our experience, the goal of eternal life will keep us focused. Let us never allow our lives to wander from our vision of the Lord. 
Reflection Question:
What is my experience of the journey of faith? Am I tired of it? Am I excited by it? Where is it going? What am I doing to grow in my faith?
Father in heaven, You desire that we all enter into a life of faith and so discover that the fulfillment of our lives is found in the gift of salvation.
St. Gorman, pray for us.